Stage 1
Customer Care creates the order and submits to the Plant Department.

Stage 2
The planning process begins. We start staking where we will install fiber.

Stage 3
A contractor will run a fiber drop underground to your home from the mainline fiber at the road.

Stage 4
Technicians will splice one end of the fiber and connect it to the main cable at the road which will feed the light signal to the home.

Stage 5
Technicians will mount boxes called ONT’s (Optical Network Terminals) on each home or business. ONT’s convert the pulse of light from fiber into electrical signals.

Stage 6
An appointment is scheduled at your home/business to install an indoor battery backup unit and WI-FI router. Our trained technicians will finish any additional work that is needed at this time. Once your order is complete, it’s now time to enjoy your service(s).